Recoilless resonant capture of monoenergetic electron antineutrinos (Mössbauer antineutrinos) emitted in bound-state β -decay in the system 3 H -3 He is discussed. The recoilfree fraction including a possible phonon excitation due to local lattice expansion and contraction at the time of the nuclear transition, homogeneous and inhomogeneous line broadening, and the relativistic second-order Doppler effect are considered. It is demonstrated that homogeneous line broadening is essential due to stochastic magnetic relaxation processes in a metallic lattice. Inhomogeneous line broadening plays an equally important role. An essential issue which has been overlooked up to now, is an energy shift of the resonance line due to the direct influence of the binding energies of the 3 H and 3 He atoms in the lattice on the energy of the electron antineutrinos. This energy shift as well as the second-order Doppler shift exhibit variations in a non-perfect (inhomogeneous) lattice and may seriously jeopardize the observation of Mössbauer antineutrinos. If successful in spite of these enormous difficulties, Mössbauer antineutrino experiments could be used to gain new and deep insights into the nature of neutrino oscillations, determine the neutrino mass hierarchy as well as up to now unknown oscillation parameters, search for sterile neutrinos, and measure the gravitational redshift of electron antineutrinos in the field of the Earth.