The determination of the gravity field, together with knowledge of the surface topography, provides one of the primary means of in ferring the density structure and dynamics of planetary interiors [Phillips andLambeck, 1980; Hager, 1985]. After removing the to pographic gravity signal, the distribution of internal density anom alies caused by thermal or compositional differences can be studied. Gravity field models can also be used to study the compensation of surface topography, which can provide information on the mechan ical properties and state of stress of the lithosphere.The determination of these models has been accomplished using a wide variety of different measurement types and solution tech niques. The near-Earth measurement types can be divided into sat ellite tracking measurements, surface gravity measurements, and satellite altimeter measurements. In both near-Earth and interplan etary contexts, tracking data are used to measure gravitational per turbations affecting satellites, with the accuracy and spatial/ temporal distribution of the data being the most important factors in the resulting field accuracy and resolution. Surface gravity data provide a more direct measurement of the gravity field, but acquir ing data uniformly over the Earth has always been difficult. Satel lite altimetry provides precise measurements of the marine gravity field, provided that satellite orbit errors and non-geoidal sea surface height variations can be adequately modeled. Comprehensive grav ity field solutions must incorporate these disparate data types in or der to estimate mathematical parameters describing the gravity field, such as spherical harmonic coefficients. The proper combina tion of these data, along with the desire to acquire an accurate rep resentation of the model errors, require that complex procedures be developed for computing these solutions.The last several years have seen the development of improved satellite tracking techniques, the availability of new tracking data, surface gravity data, and satellite altimeter data, and the develop ment of improved gravity model solution techniques. These ad vancements have resulted in improved descriptions of the gravity fields for the Earth, the Moon, Venus, and Mars. This paper sum marizes the recent advances that have been made in the U.S. and published during 1991-1994 in the development of these gravity models and summarizes the prospects for future improvements. Some non-U.S. developments are discussed where they impact the U.S. research. aircraft/spacecraft carrying gravimeters and gravity gradiometers. GPS provides nearly continuous tracking measurements between the receiver and each visible GPS satellite simultaneously [Blewitt, 1993]. In addition, a vast permanent network of ground GPS re ceivers supports this effort by directly tracking the GPS satellites themselves. The advancement of airborne geophysics using GPS is reviewed by Brozena [1991] and Bell [1995, this issue], and has been demonstrated over Greenland [Forsberg and Brozena, 1993; Brozena...