Antikçağda insanların sağlık bulma arayışında başvurduğu birden çok sağlık modeli vardı. Büyücüler, ilaç satıcıları, gezici şifacılar, ebeler, yöresel halk hekimleri, bilimsel hipokratik hekimler ve tanrıların şifa tapınakları bunların en bilinenleriydi. Tüm bu sağlık modelleri geçerli olsa da çok tanrılı antikçağda en popüler olan sağlık veren tanrı veya tanrıçaların şifa tapınakları idi. [1] Çok ABSTRACT OBJECTİVE: In the polytheistic antiquity, every area of life was under the direction and supervision of gods and goddesses. The gods and goddesses had symbols showing their abilities or attributes. Among those gods and demigods who were believed, worshiped and expected for remedies, there were those depicted in the open with his penis or phallus. This study aimed to reveal mythological gods, demigods and heroes symbolized by penis or phallus and their expressions in andrological point of view in polytheistic period. MATERIAL and METHODS: The literature on ancient Greek, Roman, Egyptian and Asian mythology, ithyphallic gods and phallic cult was investigated. The ithyphallic gods, demigods and mithologic actors with penis-phallus symbol in archeological websites, archeological museums in Turkey and abroad, archaeological books and magazines were investigated. RESULTS: Erect penis is called phallus. The gods, demigods and heroes like Dionysus, Hermes, Priapus, Narcissus, Orthannes, Conisalos, Tychon, Pan, Silenus and Satyrs in ancient Greece and Rome, Shiva in ancient Asia, Min in ancient Egypt were depicted with exposed phallus or phallus, representing phallic beliefs associated with sexuality, masculinity, sexual power, sex, fertilization, fecundity, reproduction, fertility and productivity. Sculptures, figures, ceramic pots, frescoes, reliefs, paintings, mosaics and ancient coins were the main means of depiction. The fact that the penis in priapism is associated with the penis of God Priapos and that the priapism was named after Priapus arouses curiosity. CONCLUSION: The phallus, which was associated with sexuality, masculinity, sexual power, sex, fertilization, reproduction and productivity in the ancient period, led to the emergence of a phallic belief and phallic cult, expressed as worship of the male genitals, and developed under the auspices of mythological gods and heroes whose symbol is the phallus. It is believed that worship of ithyphallic God and heroes will provide yield and fertility in all areas of male sexuality and reproduction, even in the entire universe. The myth of God Priapos and his phallus has survived, and priapism in the medical literature is named after Priapos.