Transient absorption is studied in Fe-doped lithium niobate single crystals with the goal to control and probe a blue absorption feature related with excitonic states bound to Fe Li defect centers. The exciton absorption is deduced from the comparison of ns-pump, supercontinuumprobe spectra obtained in crystals with different Fe-concentration and Fe 2+/3+ Li-ratio, at different pulse peak and photon energies as well as by signal separation taking well-known small polaron absorption bands into account. As a result, a broad-band absorption feature is deduced being characterized by an absorption cross-section of up to σ max (2.85 eV) = (4 ± 2) • 10 −22 m 2. The band peaks at about 2.85 eV and can be reconstructed by the sum of two Gaussians centered at 2.2 eV (width ≈ 0.5 eV) and 2.9 eV (width ≈ 0.4 eV), respectively. The appropriate build-up and decay properties strongly depend on the crystals' composition as well as the incident pulse parameters. All findings are comprehensively analyzed and discussed within the model of Fe 2+ Li − O − − V Li excitonic states.