The conference whether scientific, academic, industry, medical, or any type is carbon intensive. The air travel by the participants of the conference will emit enormous global green gas emissions. The green information system i.e. embracing the conference through Zoom, Blue jeans, Teams, and other available conference technologies and apps can significantly reduce greenhouse emissions (GHS). The participants also use local transport to commute from the conference center to the Airport and back also adds the emission of carbon dioxide to the GHS. Apart from reducing the GHS emissions the system also contributes to the environment by saving paper, food wastage, diesel/petrol, electricity, water, etc. The researchers have carried out an empirical study to investigate the conference attendee’s attitudes and behavior to adopt such technologies as part of green information systems from an ecological point of view, in and around Hyderabad Metro, India. The data was collected by publishing a 34-item questionnaire on google forms and the link was provided to the respondent.