We present a new, mathematically rigorous, method suitable for bound state and scattering processes calculations for various three atomic or molecular systems where the underlying forces are of a hard-core nature. We employed this method to calculate the binding energies and the ultra-low energy scattering phase shifts below as well as above the break-up threshold for the three He-atom system. The method is proved to be highly successful and suitable for solving the three-body bound state and scattering problem in configuration space and thus it paves the way to study various three-atomic systems, and to calculate important quantities such as the cross-sections, recombination rates etc.LANL E-print physics/9802016. Published in Phys. Rev. A., 1997, v. 56, No. 3, pp. 1686 The 4 He trimer is of interest in various areas of Physical Chemistry and Molecular Physics, in particular such as the behavior of atomic clusters under collisions and BoseEinstein condensation. Various theoretical and experimental works have been devoted in the past to study its ground state properties and in general the properties of the 4 He and other noble gas droplets. From the theoretical works we mention here those using Variational and Monte Carlo type methods [1][2][3][4][5], the Faddeev equations [6][7][8], and the hyperspherical approach [9][10][11]. From the experimental works we recall those of Refs. [12][13][14][15] where molecular clusters consisting of a small number of noble gas atoms were investigated.Despite the efforts made to solve the He-trimer problem various questions such as the existence of Efimov states and the study of scattering processes at ultra-low energies still have not been satisfactorily addressed. In particular for scattering processes there are no works which we are aware of apart from a recent study concerning recombination rates [16]. There are various reasons for this the main one being the fact that the three-body calculations * On leave of absence from the