In this paper, we study the existence and multiplicity of standing waves with prescribed
L2‐norm Schrödinger‐Poisson equations with general nonlinearities in
κ>0 and
f is superlinear and satisfies the monotonicity condition. To this end, we look for critical points of the following functional
constrained on the
Sfalse(cfalse)={}u∈H1false(double-struckR3false):false|false|ufalse|false|22=c,1emc>0, where
Ffalse(sfalse):=∫0sffalse(tfalse)dt. We consider the case where
Eκ is unbounded from below on
Sfalse(cfalse) and establish the existence of critical points of
Eκ on
Sfalse(cfalse) for
c>0 sufficiently small and under some mild assumptions on
f. In addition, we show that there are infinitely many radial critical points
false{unκfalse} of
Eκ on
Sfalse(cfalse) when
f is odd and present a convergence property of
unκ as
κ↘0. Our results generalize some recent results in the literature.