“…1 There was a much larger number of attempts in static or discrete-time settings, but always with finitely many agents. We refer the reader to the most notable works in this direction, among which we can find Bartling andvon Siemens (2010), Demougin, Fluet, andHelm (2006), Demski & Sappington (1984), Green and Stokey (1983), Grund and Sliwka (2005), Harris, Kriebel, and Raviv (1982), Holmström (1982), Itoh (2004), Mookherjee (1984), Nalebuff and Stiglitz (1983), Rey-Biel (2008), as well as Neilson and Stowe (2010) or Kragl (2015 4 See, for example, the phone application EDF & Moi by the french electricity producer and provider Electricité de France, or the website of Synergy, an Australian producer and provider. 5 See, for example, the proposal of the Environmental Defense Fund in https://www.edf.org/sites/default/files/ time-variant_pricing_fact_sheet_-_april_2015.pdf 6 Note that since is a deviation from a baseline consumption, the upper bound for the drift control is coherent, since the agent cannot consume a negative amount of electricity.…”