The relationship between shoot growth and foliar nitrogen (N) in E. globulus seedlings was studied in the glasshouse to determine standard values for N deficiency and toxicity diagnosis . Seedlings were grown for 9 weeks in yellow sand, at 10 rates of N, applied as ammonium sulphate, calcium nitrate or ammonium nitrate . Shoot dry weight (DW) increased linearly with N rate for all forms of N in the deficiency range . Seedlings continued to respond to higher rates of ammonium and ammonium nitrate than to nitrate . Maximum shoot DW for nitrate fed plants and ammonium nitrate fed plants were 51 % and 84% respectively of ammonium fed plants . Total N concentration in the youngest fully expanded leaf (YFEL) ranged from 1 .0% to 3 .3% in deficient and adequate plants . The critical N concentration for deficiency diagnosis (corresponding to 90% maximum yield) in the YFEL, determined from these growth response curves averaged over all N forms, was 2 .6% N. For ammonium nitrate fed plants, total N concentration in the YFEL for the severely deficient, deficient, adequate, and toxic ranges were < 1 .4%, 1 .4-2.5%, 2 .6-3 .5%, > 4.3% . High total N concentrations were associated with growth depression and toxicity symptoms, which differed with N form . For nitrate fed plants, a total N concentration above 3 .3% in the YFEL was associated with severe growth depression, and leaf tip necrosis . The adequate concentration range for ammonium nitrate was similar to values found on a field trial with 7 month old E. globulus trees grown on an exforest site .