Cell proliferation of 51 human renal cell carcinomas and 9 larynx and hypopharynx carcinomas has been studied in vitro and using xenotransplants. The proliferative activity ([3H]thymidine labelling index) increases during the first passages in nude mice and then remains almost constant throughout subsequent passages. A comparison of cell kinetic parameters of 8 human renal cell carcinomas, 1 hypopharynx and 2 larynx carcinomas, with data of xenografts and of human tumours in situ published up to now, shows that the cell kinetic parameters of human tumour xenografts presently studied range between those of human tumours in situ and those of autochthonous or transplantable mouse tumours. S-phase durations and potential doubling times are considerably shorter in xenotransplants than in human tumours in situ, whereas the cycle time is about the same. This means that the growth fraction increases considerably after xenotransplantation. This change of human tumour cell proliferation after transplantation into nude mice should be kept in mind if one wishes to draw conclusions from the nude mouse model on conditions in human beings, particularly with respect to therapeutic regimens, which are frequently tested in the nude mouse model.