Bulk GaAs crystals were grown from various Ga-rich melts by the vapour-pressure controlled Czochralski method in order to reduce As precipitates. The correlation of the melt composition with both, structural perfection and solid composition was examined by various methods of transmission electron microscopy (TEM). From transmission electron diffraction and diffraction contrast imaging a direct correlation between melt composition and sample properties is missing. High-resolution TEM imaging hints to inhomogeneities only for the sample grown from a melt with a mole fraction of y = 0.492. Strain analysis of a selected defect reveals a strained crystal lattice in the surrounding of the defect. For the same sample, high angle annular dark-field imaging and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy verify the formation of precipitates.
Dedicated to Prof. Wolfgang Neumann on the occasion of his 65th birthday