The relarive impacts q/' net tnrgration, annexarion and narural inuease on i,enrral c,irj' popularion i,hange are examined for the 118 largesr American wntral cifies. Region, central c,ity age, and population size are also ini,luded as exogmous variuhles in rhe i,ausal model. Annexation is found ro ojfset some losses due to tniRrarion in older cities, hut ir is narural increase of the population that ensures continued central tit.), growvh or redui,es the prohahiliry q / decline. The Sociological Quarter/y 19 (Autumn): 590-603. of Sociology 82 (September): 343-348. American Journal of Sociology 82 (September): 349-352. (September): 404-416. Sociological Quarterly 21 (Winter): 93-105. Against Definitional Dependency." Social Forces 58( I): 228-248. Sociological Review 44(December): 975-994.