The temperature dependences of domain wall pinning field and of anisotropy
field in magnetic garnets and amorphous ribbons are reviewed and compared
on the basis of our own experiments and data taken from the literature. The
results are discussed in the frame of a modified classical model of the domain
wall coercive field of magnetic materials with a stationary distribution of
magnetic defects. It is shown that - independently of the substantial
difference between the two investigated types of materials - the temperature
dependence of the domain wall pinning field is predominantly determined by
the temperature dependence of the anisotropy field and only modified by the
defects shape and distribution. This result shows that from the two major
sources of the coercive properties - the magnetic parameters and the
material structural characteristics - the temperature dependence of
coercivity is determined mainly by the former one. The experimental results
made it also possible to get a quantitative insight into the temperature
dependence of the efficiency function\it of these materials, which describe the
interaction between the moving domain wall and the defects.