Words and integer compositions are fundamental combinatorial objects. In each case, the object is a finite sequence of terms over a particular set. Relevant properties, sometimes called "parameters", are the length of the sequence and, for integer compositions, the sum of the sequence.There has been interest within enumerative combinatorics in counting words and compositions, especially restricted variations where the objects satisfy extra conditions. "Local" restrictions are related to contiguous subsequences, for example Smirnov words where adjacent letters must be different. For integer compositions or words over an ordered alphabet, a "subword pattern avoidance" restriction requires all contiguous subsequences of a fixed length to not satisfy a certain relative ordering. For example, we may count compositions not containing a strictly increasing contiguous subsequence of length three. "Global" restrictions, on the other hand, are related to arbitrary subsequences. A "subsequence pattern avoidance" restriction requires all subsequences of a fixed length to not satisfy a certain relative ordering.Beyond sequences we may also consider objects with different structures, and interpret local and global restrictions appropriately. We say "cyclically restricted" finite sequences are those where the last and first terms are considered adjacent for the purposes of the restriction, i.e. the restriction wraps around from the end to the start. "Circular" objects are the orbits of finite sequences under circular shifts, so all circular shifts of a finite sequence are considered the same object.We can generalize integer compositions by replacing the semigroup of positive integers with a different additive semigroup, giving the broader concept of a "composition over a semigroup", i.e. a finite sequence with a certain sum over the semigroup. Beyond the positive integers, we focus on semigroups which are finite groups -where such compositions are in fact also "words" in the group theory sense. Compositions over a finite group are relatively little-studied in combinatorics but turn out to be amenable to combinatorial analysis in analogy to both words and integer compositions.In this document we achieve exact and asymptotic enumeration of words, compositions over a finite group, and/or integer compositions characterized by local restrictions and, separately, subsequence pattern avoidance. We also count cyclically restricted and circular objects. This either fills gaps in the current literature by e.g. considering particular new patterns, or involves general progress, notably with locally restricted compositions over a finite group. We associate these compositions to walks on a covering graph whose structure is exploited to simplify asymptotic expressions. Specifically, we show that under certain conditions the number of locally restricted compositions of a group element is asymptotically independent of the group element. For some problems our results extend to the case of a positive number of subword pattern occurrences (instead...