Sustained growth in primary culture of vaginal epithelial cells from ovariectomized adult BALB/cCrgl mice embedded within or seeded on collagen gel matrix was achieved in a serum-free medium composed of Ham's F-12 medium/Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium, 1:1 (vol/vol), supplemented with insulin, bovine serum albumin fraction V, epidermal growth factor, cholera toxin, and transferrin. Three-dimensional growth of vaginal epithelial cells occurred inside the collagen gel matrix. Cell numbers increased 4-to 8-fold in collagen gel and about 4-fold on collagen gel after 9-10 days in culture. (3, 4) and mouse vaginal epithelial outgrowths (2) failed to cornify in response to estradiol, whereas others have reported that the addition of estrogen to the culture medium evoked cornification of vaginal explants from rats (5-8) and mice (9-13). Martin (14) described growth and cornification of cultured mouse vaginal epithelium in the absence of estrogen. The possible role of the stroma and the difficulty of accurate quantification of increases in cell number are among the problems with both organ and cell culture methods. Furthermore, in organ culture, tissues degenerate with time; in cell culture, lack of sustained cell division and decreasing viability occur with time (2). To examine the possible direct effect of estrogen on proliferation and cornification of vaginal epithelium, a system is needed for the in vitro culture of isolated epithelial cells.Recently, a collagen gel culture system was developed for mammary epithelial cells that results in sustained growth of mouse, rat, and human cells in primary culture (15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21). This in vitro system has been used successfully in our studies for the growth of mouse vaginal epithelial cells, as judged by an increase in cell number, and for the possible hormonal regulation of differentiation of these cells in the resulting cultures. In the present communication, we report on the sustained growth of cultured vaginal epithelial cells in a serum-free medium and on the failure of estrogen to stimulate further growth.MATERIALS AND METHODS Epithelial Cell Isolation. Normal vaginae dissected from 50-to 60-day-old BALB/cCrgl mice 6-7 days after ovariectomy were transversely sectioned and then incubated in Hank's balanced salt solution containing 0.1% collagenase (CLS III, 175-184 units per mg; Worthington) and S mg of bovine serum albumin fraction V per ml for 2 hr at 370C in a shaking water bath. Epithelial sheets manually separated from stroma were minced into small clumps with a razor blade on a Teflon block. Cell clumps were collected by centrifugation at 1,000 x g for 5 min.More than 85% of the cells were found to be viable as determined by the trypan blue exclusion test. Cell number was estimated by mixing 1 vol of cell suspension with 9 vol of 0.02% crystal violet in 0.1 M citric acid and counting stained nuclei in a hemocytometer.Preparation of Collagen Gels. Collagen solution and gels were prepared as originally described (22). Briefly, 1 g of rat ta...