H-NS family proteins regulate the expression of many genes by preferably binding to AT-rich genomic regions and altering DNA topology. They are found in both bacterial chromosomes and plasmids, and plasmid-encoded H-NS family proteins have sometimes been suggested to act as a molecular backup of the chromosomally encoded ones. Pmr is an H-NS family protein encoded on the catabolic plasmid pCAR1, which belongs to incompatibility P-7 group. We have investigated the function of Pmr in Pseudomonas putida KT2440, where two H-NS family proteins (TurA and TurB) encoded on the chromosome are expressed predominantly. Previous transcriptome analyses suggested that TurA, TurB, and Pmr cooperatively regulate numerous genes, but the differentially transcribed genes in KT2440 turA(pCAR1), KT2440 turB(pCAR1), and KT2440(pCAR1 pmr) compared with those in KT2440(pCAR1) were somewhat different. Here, we performed RNA sequencing analyses to compare the differentially transcribed genes after the deletion of turA or turB in KT2440, and turA, turB or pmr in KT2440(pCAR1). Three pCAR1-free strains (KT2440, KT2440 turA, KT2440 turB) and four pCAR1harboring strains [KT2440(pCAR1), KT2440 turA(pCAR1), KT2440 turB(pCAR1), KT2440(pCAR1 pmr)], grown until the log and stationary phases, were used. In KT2440, TurA was the major H-NS family protein regulating a large number and wide range of genes, and both TurA and TurB were suggested to functionally compensate each other, particularly during the stationary phase. In KT2440(pCAR1), the numbers of differentially transcribed genes after the deletion of turA or turB drastically increased compared to those in KT2440. Notably, more than half of the differentially transcribed genes in KT2440 turA and KT2440 turB did not overlap with those in KT2440 turA(pCAR1) and KT2440 turB(pCAR1). This dynamic change could be explained by the acquisition of pCAR1 itself and the expression of Pmr. After pCAR1