Communicated by M. G. JacksonDedicated to the memory of Jim Wiegold.
AbstractFor an algebraic structure A denote by d( A) the smallest size of a generating set for A, and let, where A n denotes a direct power of A. In this paper we investigate the asymptotic behaviour of the sequence d( A) when A is one of the classical structures-a group, ring, module, algebra or Lie algebra. We show that if A is finite then d( A) grows either linearly or logarithmically. In the infinite case constant growth becomes another possibility; in particular, if A is an infinite simple structure belonging to one of the above classes then d( A) is eventually constant. Where appropriate we frame our exposition within the general theory of congruence permutable varieties.2000 Mathematics subject classification: primary 08A40; secondary 16S15, 17B99, 20F05.