The perception that we have about death and dying in our society and the way it is experienced by health professionals can bring important psychic repercussions, especially for those who are closest to patients: the nursing team. Literature often suggests the creation of spaces for speech and/or discussion groups, as a care strategy for these professionals. The present study refers to a qualitative, exploratory and empirical research, whose proposal was to verify, through semi-structured interview, if nursing professionals in a Semi-Intensive Care Center have demands to work on themes related to care of end-of-life patients through an operative group and, according to the results, propose its realization. 21 professionals participated. The interviews were analyzed using the Content Analysis technique, which allowed to list five categories: Frequency; Difficulties; Coping strategies; Established links; Demands for updates and speech spaces. The results showed that the participants considered it necessary a space to talk about their experiences in the context of care for patients at the end of life, however, when it was proposed, it did not have adherence. A number of reasons can be considered about the impediments and difficulties in the implementation of a group with nursing professionals working in intensive care, as the main contingents are issues related to the profession itself, resistance, work overload, the context itself institutional and pandemic, making clear the need for further studies.