Background: Gingival clefts (GCs) develop frequently during orthodontic space closure and may compromise the treatment outcome. This study assessed whether the time-point of orthodontic space closure initiation, after permanent tooth extraction, affects the incidence of GC.
Methods:In 25 patients requiring bilateral premolar extraction because of orthodontic reasons, one premolar, chosen at random, was extracted 8 weeks before space closure initiation ("delayed movement," DM), whereas the contralateral premolar was extracted 1 week before ("early movement," EM) ("treatment group"). Presence or absence of GC after 3 and 6 months ("time-point") was recorded and any association with various parameters (i.e., treatment group, time-point, gender, jaw, craniofacial growth, gingival biotype, buccal bone dehiscence after extraction, space closure) was statistically assessed.Results: Twenty-one patients contributing with 26 jaws were finally included in the analysis. Overall, GCs were frequent after 3 (DM: 53.9%; EM: 69.2%) and 6 months (DM: 76.9%; EM: 88.5%). EM (P = 0.014) and larger space closure within the study period (P = 0.001) resulted in a significantly higher incidence of GC. Further, there was a tendency for GC development in the presence of buccal bone dehiscence (P = 0.052) and thin gingival biotype (P = 0.054). "Fast movers" (herein cases with This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.