Under- and overnutrition are co-existing health issues in several countries across Asia. Poor complementary feeding (CF) is a significant determinant of malnutrition in children and a major cause of morbidity and mortality. The purpose of this narrative review is to summarize the most recent evidence regarding the CF practices in three countries with a high prevalence of stunting and overweight, and currently undergoing rapid economical and nutritional transition: China, India and Indonesia. We focused particularly on the adequacy of CF, based on the WHO feeding indicators (2021) regarding timing, frequency, diversity as well as the consumption of specific food groups. According to the findings, the majority of infants in the 3 countries are introduced to CF at an impropriate time; either too early (particularly in urban/rural areas of China and Indonesia) or too late (India), compared to the WHO recommendation. Furthermore, in all countries, diets are characterized by a low variety and frequency of CF and consist mainly of staple foods with poor nutritional quality, such as rice, cereals or noodles. Nutrient-dense and protein-rich foods, such as foods of animal origin are either inadequately consumed (rural areas of China and India) or introduced too late (urban areas of China and Indonesia) in the diets of children. In all countries the consumption of fruit and vegetables, especially during the early CF period is poor. In contrast, a significant proportion of both urban and rural children, particularly in Indonesia and India are consuming energy-dense/nutrient-poor snacks and sugary drinks during the CF period. The described practices may pose a significant risk for the development of energy- and/or nutrient gaps, magnifying the double- and triple burden of malnutrition present in these countries. Further research is warranted to understand the significance of the observed practices for stunting and/or overweight/obesity risk.