A modified high temperature -dilute acid method is used to synthesize phenylethene-2,2-dl ("styrene-2,2-d2") (lb), 2-phenylpropene-l,l,3,3 ,3-ds ("a-trideuteriomethylstyrene-2,2-ds") (2b), and E-1-phenylpropene-2-d ("trans-P-methylstyrene-24') (3b) from phenylethene ("styrene") (la), 2-phenylpropene ("a-methylstyrene") (2a), and E-1-phenylpropene ("trans-P-methylstyrene") (3a), respectively. The deuteriated substitution product E-1 ,3-diphenyl-1-butene-2,4,4,4-d4 (4b) is also obtained from l a . Labelled substitution products 1 ,3,3-tri-trideuteri0methyl-l-phenylindane-2,2-d~~ (Sb), 4-trideuteriomethyl-2,4-diphenyl-1-pentene-1 , 1 ,3,3,5,5,5-dlo (6b), and E-4-trideuteriomethyI-2,4-diphenyl-2-pentene-1,1,1 ,3,5,5,5-dlo (76) are obtained from 2-phenylpropene.NICK HENRY WERSTIUK et GEORGE TIMMINS. Can. J. Chem. 66, 2309(1988.On a utilisC une mCthode modifiee impliquant une temptrature ClevCe et de l'acide dilut pour synthktiser le phtnyltthened2-2,2 (cc styrbne-d2-2,2 n) (lb), le phCnyl-2 propbne-d5-l,l,3,3,3 (c a-trideutCromtthylstyrbne-ds-2,2 n) (26) et le phtnyl-1 propkne-d-2-(E) ( e P-mkthylstyrkne-d2-d-trans,) (36) 2 partir respectivernent du phCnyltthbne (~styrbnen) (la), du phCnyl-2 prophe (c< a-mCthylstyrkne D) (2a) et du phCnyl-1 propkne-(E) (cc P-mCthylstyrbne-trans n) (3a). On a aussi obtenu le diphCny1-1,3 butbne-1-d4-2,2,4,4-(E) (4b) i partir du compost l a . Utilisant le phCnyl-2 propkne, on a aussi prCparC les produits marquks suivants : tri-trideuttromCthy1-1,3,3 phCnyl-1 indane-dl 1-2,2 (Sb), trideutCromCthy1-4 diphenyl-2,4 pentbne-1-dlo-1 ,1,3,3,5,5,5 (6b) et trideutCromCthy1-4 diphCnyl-2,4 pentene-2-dlo-1 ,l,l,3,5,5,5-(E) (76).[Traduit par la revue]