“…it is acquired and exercised according to established rules (conventional/ constitutional-legal) (legality, level 1); 2. the rules are justifiable according to socially accepted beliefs about the proper ends and standards of government, particularly the pursuit of the common interest (performance, level 2a) and the rightful source of authority (authority, level 2b) (normative justifiability); 3. positions of authority are confirmed by expressed consent or affirmation of appropriate subordinates (electoral mode/mass mobilization mode), even if this is voluntary only to a limited degree (consent, level 3). 7 The categorization of these three legitimacy criteria-legality, normative justifiability, and consent-at first appears to be much less parsimonious than the "lean" definition of legitimacy as belief in legitimacy. However, it has the major advantage of making the dynamic dimension of legitimation processes understandable.…”