To clarify the underlying causes of the species‐area relationship in marsh‐nesting birds, I studied eight freshwater tidal marshes of the Connecticut River that differed in area, degree of isolation, mudflat cover, water cover, tidal regime, and extent of individual plant communities. I measured these habitat variables on aerial infrared photos, and surveyed bird populations by mapping the distribution of all birds in marshes under 5 ha in area and establishing 50‐m radius plots in marshes over 5 ha. From surveys, I determined species richness, population densities, and total populations. Analysis revealed a positive relationship between species richness and area, but no correlation between area and habitat heterogeneity. Other habitat variables were poor predictors of species richness. The lack of a relationship between habitat and species richness appeared to be a consequence of most vegetation types present not being sufficiently distinct for birds to differentially associate with them. I also found no relationship between bird population density and area, suggesting that habitat quality in marshes did not improve with increasing size, and species evenness declined with increasing richness because greater richness was associated with the presence of more rare species. Larger marshes had more rare species, species with larger populations, and species with a minimum threshold area for occurrence. Thus, my results are consistent with theoretical predictions that larger populations are less prone to local extinction and, as individuals are added to a community, more rare species are present.