This study aims to find scientific data concerning distribution pattern of R. argyrotaenia, catch composition of R. argyrotaenia including length frequency data, fishing peak season, spawning season, and abiotic characteristics of aquatic environment, such as life of R. argyrotaenia. The findings indicate that distribution pattern of R. argyrotaenia during rainy season (January-April) is scattered in main river, tributary, and marsh (flood plain), during dry season (May-August), position of fish is in main river and tributary, while in transitional months (September-December), fish is concentrated in main river. Fishing peak season occurs in April, May, June, and July reaching average haul range of 9.98 kg/month + 0.62-12.63 kg/month + 1.08. Based on Analysis of Progression Model by utilizing FISAT II on length-based data of R. argyrotaenia, there found three cohorts by average length of 65.76 ISSN 2157-6092 2014 118 mm + 9.0, 116.13 mm + 15.0, and 156.63 mm + 4.7. Referred to analysis of the Von Bartalanffy growth curve, it is known that inital spawning season of R. argyrotaenia alleged that the peak spawning season occurs in September, October, November and December reaching value of Linf=173.25, K=0.510/year, and t0=0.02. R. argyrotaenia lives in habitat where average temperature is 25.5 oC + 0.12 -31.6 oC + 0.12, current speed of 0.06 ms-1+ 0.02 -0.27ms-1 + 0.02, pH of 4.23 + 0.03 -6.74 + 0.05, and DO of 4.2 mg l-1 + 0.06 -7.5 mg l-1 + 0.10.
Journal of Environment and Ecology