Various electromagnetic properties of hadrons are investigated systematically by applying many possible types of "minimal currents" in the framework of the relativistic harmonic oscillator (H.O.) which are conserved in the symmetric limit. As a result it is shown that a general minimal current in the SU(6),,, scheme [minimally boosted SU (6)] with definite-metric H.0, reproduces satisfactorily experimental behaviors of almost all hadron electromagnetic (EM) properties: EM form factors of nucleons and pions (including nonvanishing electric form factor of the neutron), magnetic and transition moments of ground-state mesons and baryons, and helicity couplings of photon and baryon resonances. Other types of currents, a vectormeson-dominant one and a general minimal one in the ~( 1 2 ) scheme with shell-type definite-metric H.O., are also interesting in giving similar desirable behaviors with some exceptions.