Quantum electrodynamics for ρ mesons is considered. It is shown that, at tree level, the value of the gyromagnetic ratio of the ρ + is fixed to 2 in a self-consistent effective quantum field theory. Further, the mixing parameter of the photon and the neutral vector meson is equal to the ratio of electromagnetic and strong couplings, leading to the mass difference M ρ 0 − M ρ ± ∼ 1 MeV at tree order.PACS numbers: 11.10. Gh, 12.39.Fe The question of the intrinsic magnetic moment of (elementary) particles of arbitrary spin s has been discussed controversially in the literature and is still of great interest. On the one hand, low-energy theorems and the optical theorem require that the gyromagnetic ratio g ≃ 2 for a particle with arbitrary spin s different from zero (at least for particles which do not participate in strong interactions) [1]. On the other hand, general arguments have been given that the minimal coupling leads to 1/s for this quantity [2]. Finally, the investigations of Ref. [3] regarding the theory of charged vector mesons interacting with the electromagnetic field suggested that the gyromagnetic ratio depends on a free parameter, thus allowing it to take any value. Below, we will address this question from the point of view of effective field theory (EFT).In Ref.[4] we have shown how the universal coupling of the ρ meson and the Kawarabayashi-Suzuki-RiadzuddinFayyazuddin (KSRF) relation [5,6] follow from the requirement that chiral perturbation theory of pions, nucleons, and ρ mesons is a consistent EFT. Although EFTs are non-renormalizable in the traditional sense, the general principles of EFT [7] require that all ultraviolet divergences can be absorbed into the redefinition of fields and parameters of the most general Lagrangian [8]. Imposing the renormalizability in this sense one finds that not all parameters of the most general Lagrangian are free but satisfy consistency conditions [9]. In this Letter we will use similar arguments for the effective Lagrangian including, in addition, the interaction with photons to show that the gyromagnetic ratio is fixed to g = 2 at tree level. Furthermore, the mixing parameter of the photon and the neutral vector meson is also fixed and leads to M ρ 0 − M ρ ± ∼ 1 MeV at tree order.We start with the chirally invariant effective Lagrangian including vector mesons in the form given by Weinberg [10], containing all interaction terms which respect Lorentz invariance, the discrete symmetries, and chiral symmetry. The electromagnetic interaction is introduced by adding all terms with photon fields which are allowed by U(1) gauge invariance,Here, B µ is a U(1) gauge vector field, V a µ (a = 1, 2, 3) denote the Cartesian components of an isospin triplet of vector fields, and Ψ is an isospin doublet of nucleon fields with mass m 0 [11]. Furthermore,All fields and coupling constants in Eq. (1) are bare quantities. From the point of view of EFT it is not consistent to consider a minimal coupling only (see, e.g., Ref. [12]). Using symmetry arguments only, c 0 and κ 0...