bWhereas DNA provides the information to design life and proteins provide the materials to construct it, the metabolome can be viewed as the physiology that powers it. As such, metabolomics, the field charged with the study of the dynamic small-molecule fluctuations that occur in response to changing biology, is now being used to study the basis of disease. Here, we describe a comprehensive metabolomic analysis of a systemic bacterial infection using Bacillus anthracis, the etiological agent of anthrax disease, as the model pathogen. An organ and blood analysis identified approximately 400 metabolites, including several key classes of lipids involved in inflammation, as being suppressed by B. anthracis. Metabolite changes were detected as early as 1 day postinfection, well before the onset of disease or the spread of bacteria to organs, which testifies to the sensitivity of this methodology. Functional studies using pharmacologic inhibition of host phospholipases support the idea of a role of these key enzymes and lipid mediators in host survival during anthrax disease. Finally, the results are integrated to provide a comprehensive picture of how B. anthracis alters host physiology. Collectively, the results of this study provide a blueprint for using metabolomics as a platform to identify and study novel host-pathogen interactions that shape the outcome of an infection.
Metabolomics, a quickly emerging "omics" field in systems biology, is the global analysis of small molecules in a biological sample (1). Since the 1950s, the central dogma of biological information has been the transition from genes to transcript to protein (2). Only recently has the use of high-throughput systems biology been used to study the products of protein activity, the metabolites. The metabolome represents all endogenous and exogenous low-molecular-mass (Ϝ1-kDa) molecules present in a biological state, providing an instantaneous "snapshot" of the cell's metabolic and physiological activity (3). Applications of global metabolomic analysis fall into three broad categories: (i) disease diagnosis, (ii) biomarker and drug discovery, and (iii) study of metabolic pathways and their perturbations due to external factors (1). The analysis of altered metabolites has the potential for discovery of new biomarkers, thus providing the possibility of earlier intervention and insights into the mechanisms of diseases (4).The diagnosis of a bacterial infection encompasses an assessment of clinical symptoms, positive culture of an organism from tissues or blood, and/or reliance on often expensive, outsourced molecular methods (5). Metabolomics provides a unique perspective on bacterial infections as it is able to comprehensively characterize a vast number of metabolic changes in response to a biological perturbation within the host (2). In addition to the potential for biomarker discovery, the metabolic profiles obtained from this analysis can give insight into the identity and nature of molecules involved in the immune response, detect alterations in ho...