ABSTRACT. Fashion shoes with narrow and tight toe are widely designed for children and their influence was rarely considered. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate children's plantar pressure distribution with varied angle of hallux (AoH), so as to simulate the effect of the tight shoes on the children's feet. Totally, 892 healthy children aged between two and 11 were recruited and those with the foot deformities were excluded by an experienced clinical expert. Both the dynamic AoH and plantar pressure distribution were measured by a pressure plate, with the two-steps protocol and self-selected walking speed. Regions of Hallux, medial 2 forefoot (MFF), central forefoot (CFF), lateral forefoot (LFF), mid foot (MF) and Heel were considered and peak pressure (PP) (N/cm ), relative pressure time integral (PTIrel) (%) and relative contact area (CArel) (%) at each region were calculated. All the subjects were classified into nine groups according to the AoH with the 5° interval and within groups variations for each plantar pressure parameters were examined by the One Way ANOVA. Our results show that within group differences of PP, PTIrel and CArel existed at the Hallux, MFF and MF and phenomenon of hallux off-load and MFF and MF over-load was observed. Overall, lateral shift of the hallux changed the pressure pattern at MFF and MF and the pressure rising at those two areas could hamper the normal development of the foot arch in both longitudinal and transverse. Therefore, straight and wider footwear should be recommended to children's parents. KEY WORDS: fashion shoes; children; hallux valgus; plantar pressure ANALIZA DISTRIBUÞIEI PRESIUNII PLANTARE CU VARIAÞIA UNGHIULUI HALUCELUI LA COPII REZUMAT. Se concep pe scarã largã pantofi de modã cu vârful îngust ºi strâmt pentru copii, dar influenþa acestora a fost rareori luatã în considerare. Prin urmare, scopul acestui studiu este de a investiga distribuþia presiunii plantare cu variaþia unghiului halucelui (AoH) la copii, pentru a simula efectul pantofilor strâmþi asupra picioarelor copiilor. În total, 892 de copii sãnãtoºi cu vârste cuprinse între doi ºi 11 ani au fost recrutaþi, iar cei cu diformitãþi ale piciorului au fost excluºi de cãtre un specialist cu experienþã. AoH în dinamicã ºi distribuþia presiunii plantare au fost mãsurate folosind o placã de presiune, cu un protocol în doi paºi, iar viteza de mers a fost la libera alegere a subiectului. S-au luat în considerare urmãtoarele zone: haluce, antepicior median (MFF), antepicior central (CFF), antepicior lateral (LFF), 2 partea medianã a piciorului (MF) ºi zona cãlcâiului ºi s-au calculat presiunea maximã (PP) (N/cm ), integrala relativã presiune-timp (PTIrel) (%) ºi zona de contact relativã (CArel) (%) în fiecare zonã. Subiecþii au fost împãrþiþi în nouã grupe, în funcþie de AoH cu un interval de 5° ºi variaþiile între grupe pentru fiecare parametru de presiune plantarã au fost examinate utilizând One Way ANOVA. Rezultatele noastre aratã cã s-au înregistrat diferenþe între grupe cu privire la PP, PT...