ABSTRACT. The aim of this study was to find the features of balance control of cerebral palsy (CP) children by exploring the variances between the CP and TD groups in terms of centre of pressure (COP) deviation, velocity and sum of distances. Eighteen spastic diplegia children (CP) and 36 typical developed counterparts (TD) who were matching with age, height and weight were recruited and measured by pressure plate and then COP parameters such as Relative deviation in the X (Dxrel) and Y axis (Dyrel), Relative velocity in the X (Vxrel) and Y axis (Vyrel) and Relative sum distance in X (Dxrel) and Y axis (Dyrel). Independent T test and reliability analysis were carried out with significance level of 0.05 and confidence interval of 95%. Our results show that Dxrel, Vxrel, Vyrel, SumXrel and SumYrel of CP were significantly higher than those of TD; meanwhile COP of CP was always located at the medial side of foot which indicated a severe valgus and distances in anteriorposterior (AP) direction of CP were smaller than that of TD. At last, a reasonable repeatability was obtained for CP, since their COV of Dxrel, Dyrel, Vxrel, Vyrel, SumXrel and SumYrel CoV were overall <13%, whereas, with exception of ICC of Vxrel and SumXrel, ICC of Dxrel, Dyrel and SumYrel were higher than 0.5. Overall, in order to fulfill the balance control, strategies of foot valgus, larger deviation in medial-lateral (ML) direction, longer contact time and higher velocity in AP and ML directions were adopted by CP children. KEY WORDS: spastic diplegia, balance control, centre of pressure, plantar pressure measurement ANALIZA ECHILIBRULUI ÎN MIªCARE LA COPIII CU DIPLEGIE SPASTICÃ REZUMAT. Scopul acestui studiu a fost de a gãsi caracteristicile de control al echilibrului la copiii cu paralizie cerebralã (PC) prin explorarea diferenþelor dintre grupele PC ºi TD din punctul de vedere al devierii, vitezei ºi sumei distanþelor centrului de presiune (COP). S-au recrutat optsprezece copii cu diplegie spasticã (PC) ºi 36 subiecþi cu dezvoltare normalã (TD), cu vârstã, înãlþime ºi greutate similare ºi s-au efectuat mãsurãtori utilizând platforma de presiune ºi apoi s-au determinat parametrii COP, cum ar fi abaterea relativã pe axele X (Dxrel) ºi Y (Dyrel), viteza relativã pe axele X (Vxrel) ºi Y (Vyrel) ºi suma distanþelor relative pe axele X (Dxrel) ºi Y (Dyrel). S-au efectuat testul t independent ºi analiza fiabilitãþii cu un nivel de semnificaþie de 0,05 ºi interval de încredere de 95%. Rezultatele noastre aratã cã parametrii Dxrel, Vxrel, Vyrel, SumXrel ºi SumYrel la subiecþii cu PC au fost semnificativ mai mari decât cei pentru grupa TD; pe de altã parte, COP pentru grupa PC s-a situat întotdeauna în partea medianã a piciorului, ceea ce a indicat o deformaþie severã în valgus, iar distanþele în direcþia antero-posterioarã (AP) la grupa PC au fost mai mici decât cele din grupa TD. În cele din urmã, s-a obþinut o repetabilitate rezonabilã pentru PC, întrucât CoV al parametrilor Dxrel, Dyrel, Vxrel, Vyrel, SumXrel ºi SumYrel a fost în general <13%, în t...