Sign language recognition has been an active area of research for around two decades and numerous sign languages have been extensively studied in order to design reliable sign language recognition systems. Pakistan sign language (PSL) has been used as a case study here. A comprehensive database of static images depicting the signs for different Urdu alphabets is being used as a reference and input images are being compared to perform PSL alphabet recognition. The normalized Correlation technique is being used for image registration between input image and images from the database to find the closest match. The purpose of research is to identify static gestures of any Sign Language which can ultimately lead to an identification of words and sentences. The research starts with image acquisition, image preprocessing, and use of correlation and labeling of an identified symbol. Normalized correlation is used to find the nearest match. This paper includes experiments for 37 static hand gestures related to PSL alphabets. Training dataset consists of 10 samples of each PSL symbol in different lighting conditions, different sizes and shapes of hand by 5 different signers. This gesture recognition system can identify one hand static gestures in any complex background with a "minimum-possible constraints" approach. A comparison is also drawn between normalized correlations and normalized cross-correlation. As compared to other technique, this technique can work with a small dataset size. The technique is based on unsupervised learning.