A fabrication process for vertical organic spin-valve devices has been developed which offers the possibility to achieve active device areas of less than 500x500 nm² and is flexible in terms of material choice for the active layers. Characterization of the resulting devices shows a large magnetoresistance of sometimes more than 100 %, however with equally large variation from device to device. Comparison with large-area spin-valves indicates that the magnetoresistance of both, large and small devices most likely originates from tunneling through pinholes and tunneling magnetoresistance.Organic spin-valve devices are promising candidates for low cost non-volatile electronics, for example for RF-ID tags.1 Nevertheless, a deeper understanding of the underlying device physics is still necessary, especially of the charge transport mechanisms through the organic material and the origin of the magnetoresistance. In vertical organic spin-valves (OSV) an organic semiconductor (OSC) thin film is sandwiched between two ferromagnetic electrodes and the device is operated by a current flow perpendicular through the layers.2 Similar to giant magnetoresistance (GMR) 2-5 and tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) 6-9 the device resistance depends on the relative magnetization of the two electrodes. However, in contrast to GMR in all-metal structures or TMR in metal/oxide structures it is still an open question whether the origin of the magnetoresistance (MR) effects in OSVs published so far is dominated by spin polarized charge transport through the organic spacer layer or by tunneling processes. 10,11 There is, however, a possible approach to gain deeper insight into this problem which takes into account the scaling of the MR effect with device size. In the case of spin injection and charge transport (GMR) the complete device area is expected to contribute to the current path through the OSC. Reducing the size of the device in this case should keep the resistance area product and the relative magnetoresistance constant. Tunneling processes, however, most likely occur in just a small part of the active area.12 Most probable candidates for tunneling sites would be pinholes at which the thickness of the OSC is reduced to such an extent that tunneling and thus TMR becomes possible. [8][9][10][11][12][13] Pinholes, however, follow certain statistics resulting in a different resistance change upon downscaling. They vary in size and also exhibit a varying thickness of the remaining OSC layer. Each pinhole thus contributes to the total device characteristics by a different resistance and MR contribution. In order to appreciate the necessary density of pinholes we can use results published by Barraud and coworkers.14 They create artificial pinholes in an OSC layer using conducting tip atomic force microscopy (AFM) and study the magnetoresistance after the pinhole is filled up with a ferromagnetic metal. The resistance of the pinholes is typically in the range of 100 MΩ while the magnetoresistance can be as high as 300%. In addition, they ob...