The intention of this article is to challenge orthodoxies regarding heterosexuality, which have tended to constitute it as a static monolith and queer as the only potential site for a less oppressive sexuality. By contrast, we consider heterodox possibilities for pleasure and change within the realm of the dominant. We examine three examples -divergence, transgression and subversion -and then consider some terminologies that might flesh out experiential aspects of these examples of social change in heterosexuality. This conjunction offers a means to acknowledge heterosexuality's coercive aspects while attending to its more egalitarian, less orthodox forms.The intention of this article is to challenge certain orthodoxies regarding heterosexuality -orthodoxies that have tended, in critical literatures, to constitute heterosexuality as a static monolith, an unvarying, commanding mass, and queer theories, identities and practices as the only potential source for a less oppressive sexuality. By contrast, we wish to consider heterodoxy within heterosexuality by exploring possibilities for non-normative pleasure and change within the realm of the dominant.