The fact that one cell encodes a single antibody sequence does not ne arily mean that the resulting antibody folds into a single structure, although this is a common assumpton. Here we challenge this view and suggest that many antibodies do not have a single conformation at the combining site.The basis for this proposal comes from the kinetic analysis of a set of murine hybridomas derived from defined stages of the immune response to 2-phenyl-5-oxazolone (Ox). Among them we have identified three antibodies that exhibit complex haptenbinding kinetics. We observed biphasic or triphasic reactions in stopped-flow fluorescence experiments, indicating that lignd binding involved isomerization, as well as assoiative steps. The existence of an equilibrium between at least two antibody conformations, With ligands binding preferentially to one form, was deduced from the variation with hapten concentration ofthe apparent rate of each phase.Since Clonal Selection replaced the Instructive Theory as a working model of immunity, the axiom of one-lymphocyteone-antibody has been equated to one combining site (1-4). Experiments defining the basis of humoral immune diversity have emphasized combinatorial and somatic mutational processes that lead to covalent diversity of the antibody repertoire (5). Nevertheless, two independent lines of evidence exist for diversity at the level of antibody tertiary structure. Certain crystal structures of antibodies with and without ligands have shown conformation dimorphism, which could only partly be attributed to crystallization artifacts (6-8). Despite the rich detail of these structures, crystallographically detected conformational differences due to ligation are mechanistically ambiguous (9). Differences could arise from direct interaction with the ligand (induced fit) or, with equal plausibility, by preferential ligand binding to a preexisting subpopulation of antibody isomers. This distinction is of considerable immunological consequence, since two isomers in spontaneous equilibrium would both form part of the humoral repertoire, whereas an induced conformation existing only in an immune complex would not contribute to diversity in the same way. Kinetic analysis avoids this particular ambiguity. Indeed, studies on several myeloma proteins have demonstrated kinetically distinct conformational isomers (10-13). It could be argued that myeloma cells have an uncertain ontogeny and are not subject to the immune maturation mechanisms encountered in a bona fide antigenic response; however, similar kinetic behavior was reported for an anti-fluorescein hybridoma (14). Some of these cases demonstrate a preexisting isomeric equilibrium and others are consistent with an induced-fit mechanism. Notwithstanding this evidence that conformational polymorphism can occur, the isolated examples uncovered through either structural or kinetic approaches leave an uncertainty whether antibody isomerism is an oddity or a general and important factor in an immune response.Here we address the lack of a conte...