Comprehensive investigations of superconductivity in the charge-doped high-temperature superconducting cuprates often involve examining the evolution of physical properties within a series of samples having controlled variations of some dopant element − most frequently oxygen. Many important observations have been extracted from such experiments, however, the associated measurements are by nature discrete snapshots of the evolving material. We demonstrate here a novel approach to sample preparation of the high-Tc cuprate YBa2Cu3Ox. By post annealing a uniformly overdoped YBa2Cu3Ox (x ≈ 7.0) film in a low pressure O2 atmosphere with a thermal gradient across the film length, we have successfully grown a charge gradient YBa2Cu3O∇x sample, i.e., a film having a varying oxygen doping level along the length of the substrate. Surprisingly, we observe three distinct regimes of oxygen distribution across the sample, as well as behavior pointing to a full alignment within the a-b plane.