In this work an efficient Artificial Intelligent Robotic Fuzzy Logic Controller (AIRFC) system have been constructed to control the robot arm. A serial link Robot manipulator with 6 Degree of Freedom (DOF) from DFROBOT of code ROB0036 is used as a case study. A fuzzy logic type1 controller is implemented on LabVIEW to control each joint of the robot arm for nonlinearity measurements and a fuzzy logic type2 controller is applied which is more suitable for uncertainty. The hardware design is implemented and finally downloaded using the Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) kit named PCI-7833R from National Instrument. By using the LabVIEW FPGA MODEL the target board can be detected for software implementation of the controllers’ systems. The work shows that in case of type2 fuzzy logic the rise time is less than that of type1 fuzzy logic for the shoulder, wrist roll and the gripper angles and it is higher for base, elbow and wrist pitch angles. The settling time is the same in elbow and wrist pitch angles and for the type2 fuzzy controller it is less for other angles.