Time synchronisation is crucial for distributed systems, and particularly for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), where each node is executing concurrent operations to achieve a real-time objective. However, synchronisation is quite difficult to achieve in WSNs, due to the unpredictable deployment conditions and to physical effects like thermal stress, that cause drifts in the local node clocks. As a result, state-of-the-art synchronisation schemes do not guarantee monotonicity of the nodes clock, or are relying on external hardware assistance. In this paper we present FLOPSYNC-2, a scheme to synchronise the clocks of multiple nodes in a WSN, requiring no additional hardware, and based on the application of control-theoretical principles. The scheme guarantees low overhead, low power consumption and synchronisation with clock monotonicity.We propose an implementation of FLOPSYNC-2 on top of the microcontroller operating system Miosix, and prove the validity of our claims with several-days-long experiments on an eight-hop network. The experimental results show that the average clock difference among nodes is limited to a hundred of ns, with a sub-μs standard deviation. By introducing a suitable power model, we also prove that synchronisation is achieved with a sub-μA consumption overhead.