Over recent decades, advancements in complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) integrated circuits (ICs) have mainly relied on structural innovations in transistors. From planar transistors to the fin field-effect transistor (FinFET) and gate-all-around FET (GAAFET), more gate electrodes have been added to 3D channels with enhanced control and carrier conductance to provide higher electrostatic integrity and higher operating currents within the same device footprint. Beyond the 1-nm node, Moore’s law scaling is no longer expected to be applicable to geometrical shrinkage. Vertical transistor stacking, e.g. in complementary FETs (CFETs), 3D stack (3DS)-FETs and vertical-channel transistors, for enhanced density and variable circuit or system design represents a revolutionary scaling approach for sustained IC development. Herein, innovative works on specific structures, key process breakthroughs, shrinking cell sizes, and design methodologies for transistor structure research and development are reviewed. Perspectives on future innovations in advanced transistors with new channel materials and operating theories are also discussed.