We present in this paper design considerations and implementation challenges of a proposed versatile SoC/SiP sensor interface intended for industrial applications. The proposed interface involves high-voltage circuits such as class-D power amplifiers, gate drivers, level shifters, and electrical isolators. Also, it includes low-voltage blocks like programmable gain amplifiers and ADCs. In addition, DC-to-DC converters are used to supply the various building blocks of the projected sensor interface. The key challenges for implementing each block are discussed in this paper. Also, the technological aspects to support the proposed SoC/SiP solution are given. Moreover, the different available packaging technologies to implement the intended SiP solution are discussed in addition to the thermal aspects associated with the system packaging.INDEX TERMS Industrial applications, sensor interface, versatility, system-on-chip (SoC), system-inpackage (SiP), thermal management. Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS TABLE 1. Performance Comparison of High-Voltage and High-Power Class-D Power Amplifiers. YVES AUDET (Member, IEEE) received the B.Sc. degree and the M.Sc. degree in physics from the