She currently serves as the Vice Rector for Alumni and Career Orientation at Politecnico di Torino. She is an IEEE Fellow. Her research interests include the design of wireless network architectures, the defi nition of protocols and algorithms for mobile networks and applications, and the creation of theoretical models for the study and the performance evaluation of wireless systems. Her research is indeed a combination of system design and network-theory, aiming to design algorithms and methods that solve real problems, starting with actual data and scenarios. As far as application domains are concerned, she has been focusing on energy efficiency of wireless systems, connected cars, mobility services, service virtualization, and smart healthcare.After studying Latin and ancient Greek in high school, she decided for a change and enrolled in the Electrical Engineering B.S. and M.Sc. Program at the University of Florence, Italy. She did her Master thesis on security in wireless networks under the supervision of Prof. Aura Ganz, at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, MA, and received her Ph.D. from Politecnico di Torino in 2000. During her Ph.D., she was a visiting scholar at the University of California at San Diego (UCSD), CA, working with Prof. Ramesh Rao. She was then a visiting researcher at UCSD in 2000-2003. These experiences gave her the unique opportunity to explore highly innovative aspects in energy efficiency of wireless communication devices as well as in local and personal wireless networks. In particular, she developed pioneering, highly inter-disciplinary work on the modeling of battery behavior in mobile devices and the designing of algorithms and protocols aiming at establishing the optimal tradeoff between energy saving and the level of user's quality of service. At UCSD she had the opportunity to also work with Prof. John Proakis and to participate in research projects involving large companies. Afterwards, she started investigating the coexistence between diff erent wireless technologies, and cooperation in distributed wireless networks through the lens of game theory. The work that Dr. Chiasserini developed on battery efficiency [1], technologies coexistence [2], and node cooperation