Abstract. We establish a new connection between metric Diophantine approximation and the parametric geometry of numbers by proving a variational principle facilitating the computation of the Hausdorff and packing dimensions of many sets of interest in Diophantine approximation. In particular, we show that the Hausdorff and packing dimensions of the set of singular m × n matrices are both equal to mn 1 − 1 m+n , thus proving a conjecture of Kadyrov, Kleinbock, Lindenstrauss, and Margulis as well as answering a question of Bugeaud, Cheung, and Chevallier. Other applications include computing the dimensions of the sets of points witnessing conjectures of Starkov and Schmidt.Résumé. Nousétablissons une nouvelle connexion entre l'approximation métrique diophantine et la géométrie paramétrique des nombres en prouvant un principe variationnel facilitant le calcul des dimensions d'Hausdorff et de packing de nombreux ensembles d'intérêt dans l'approximation diophantienne. Nous montrons que les dimensions précitées de l'ensemble des matrices m × n singulières sont toutes deuxégales a mn 1 − 1 m+n , démontrant ainsi une conjecture de Kadyrov, Kleinbock, Lindenstrauss, et Margulis et répondantà une question de Bugeaud, Cheung, et Chevallier. D'autres applications comprennent le calcul des dimensions des ensembles des points témoignant des conjectures de Starkov et de Schmidt.
Main resultsThe notion of singularity (in the sense of Diophantine approximation) was introduced by Khintchine, first in 1937 in the setting of simultaneous approximation [11], and later in 1948 in the more general setting of matrix approximation [12]. 1 Since then this notion has been studied within Diophantine approximation and allied fields, see Moshchevitin's 2010 survey [13]. An m × n matrix A is called singular if for all ε > 0, there exists Q ε such that for all Q ≥ Q ε , there exist integer vectors p ∈ Z m and q ∈ Z n such that Aq + p ≤ εQ −n/m and 0 < q ≤ Q.Here · denotes an arbitrary norm on R m or R n . We denote the set of singular m × n matrices by Sing(m, n). For 1 × 1 matrices (i.e. numbers), being singular is equivalent to being rational, and in general any matrix A which satisfies an equation of the form Aq = p, with p, q integral and q nonzero, is singular. However, Khintchine proved that there exist singular 2 × 1 matrices whose entries are linearly independent over Q [10, Satz II], and his argument generalizes to the setting of m×n matrices for all (m, n) = (1, 1). The name singular derives from the fact that Sing(m, n) is a Lebesgue nullset for all m, n, see e.g. [11, p.431] or [2, Chapter 5,§7]. Note that singularity is a strengthening of the property of Dirichlet improvability introduced by Davenport and Schmidt [6].In contrast to the measure zero result mentioned above, the computation of the Hausdorff dimension of Sing(m, n) has been a challenge that so far only met with partial progress. The first breakthrough was made in 2011 by Cheung [3], who proved that the Hausdorff dimension of Sing(2, 1) is 4/3; this was extended in 2...