For successful application of one-dimensional wire gratings ( O WG) as the elements of the various de vices in THz-range the experimental determination of the electrodynamic parameters of such gratings is needed. In this paper we propose a new method of determination of the phase shift ofOWG, based on the use ofOWG as an output mirror of HCN-Iaser.This method allows to extend the range of measured gratings using a less complex experimental laser emitter.In the experimental installation we used the HCN-Iaser (Fig. 1), which resonator contained a hybrid out put mirror [5,6] in the form of conjugate flat mirror with an aperture and investigated OWG, placed at a distance L = �L+nAl2, where �L corresponds to the phase shift caused by the OWG; n = 0,1,2,3 ... ; A -wavelength.