Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection often lead to hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), which is mostly detected in advanced stage. Hence, its early detection is of paramount importance using a biomarker having sensitivity and specificity both. The present study highlights differentially expressed host proteins in response to HBV/HCV infection at different stages. Comparative proteomic study was done by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis followed by mass spectrometry. Sera from each of chronically infected, liver cirrhosis and HCC in HBV or HCV infection along with controls were selected. Analysis of functional association between differentially expressed proteins with viral hepatitis was extensively carried out. Forty-three differentially expressed spots (C 1.5 fold; P \ 0.05) on two-dimensional gel electrophoresis were corresponded to 28 proteins by mass spectrometry in variable liver diseases. Haptoglobin protein levels were decreased upon disease progression to HCC due to HBV infection. The other proteins expressed differentially are ceruloplasmin, serum paraoxonase 1, retinol binding protein and leucine rich alpha 2 proteins in plasma maybe associated to HBV HCC. Whereas, upregulation of C4a/C4b showed it as a reliable marker in patients with end stage liver disease related to HCV infection. ApolipoproteinA1 levels in liver diseases in both HBV and HCV infection corresponding to healthy controls may be a common marker for early diagnosis and disease monitoring. Protein interaction studies by extensive pathway analysis using bioinformatics tools such as EnrichNet application and STRING revealed significant associations with specific infections.