Objective: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between indications and histopathological results in patients undergoing endometrial sampling.Materials and Methods: Data of 4,247 patients undergoing endometrial sampling due to non-obstetric gynecological causes between January 2010 and October 2016 were retrospectively evaluated using the archives of the Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic of Konya Training and Research Hospital.
Results:The mean age of patients was 46.8 ± 8.22 years; the most common indication was menometrorrhagia/menorrhagia (70.66%), and the least common indication was cervical polyp (1.34%). The most common histopathological result was proliferative-secretory endometrium (63.62%); simple hyperplasia with atypia (0.56%) was determined to be the least common result. Endometrial cancer was observed more frequently in the post-menopausal bleeding and increased endometrial thickness group (23.11%). Of patients in whom biopsy was performed, 52.18% had undergone hysterectomy, as a result of which proliferative-secretory endometrium was most commonly (59.52%) and simple hyperplasia with atypia least commonly found as the histopathological diagnosis.Conclusion: Although sampling should be performed following endometrial evaluation in patients with postmenopausal bleeding or increased endometrial thickness, according to the results of our study, routine endometrial biopsy should not be preferred in the other indications. Bulgular: Olguların yaş ortalaması 46,8+8,22 olup en sık endikasyon menometroraji-menoraji (%70,66) iken en az servikal polip (%1,34) idi. Endometriyal biyopsi sonucu proliferatif-sekretuar endometriyum (%63,62) en sık atipili basit hiperplazi (%1,13) en az histopatolojik sonuç olarak tespit edildi. Endometriyum kanseri postmenaposal kanama ya da endometriyal kalınlık grubunda daha fazla oranda gözlendi (%23,11). Biyopsi yapılan olguların %52,18%'ne histerektomi ameliyatı yapılmıştı. Histerektomi sonucu proliferatif-sekretuar endometriyum (%59,52) en sık atipili basit hiperplazi (%1,13) en az histopatolojik sonuç olarak tespit edildi.Sonuç: Postmenapozal kanama ya da endometrial kalınlık artışı olan olgularda endometriyal değerlendirmeyi takiben örnekleme yapılması uygunken, çalışmamız sonuçlarına göre diğer endikasyonlarda rutin olarak endometrial biyopsi tercih edilmemelidir.Anahtar Kelimeler: Endometriyal örnekleme, endometriyum kanseri, histerektomi, histopatolojik inceleme Eurasian