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Qualidade de vida de médicos residentes de um hospital escola
Quality of life of medical residents from a teaching hospital
Aims:To assess the quality of life of medical residents from a teaching hospital located in Goiânia, State of Goiás, Brazil. Methods: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach. The survey was conducted using a census, during which all medical residents were interviewed. Two questionnaires were applied: one containing sociodemographic and occupational data and the World Health Organization Quality of Life -Bref (WHOQOL-Bref), which assesses quality of life. A parametric statistical analysis was used, including interval scale, Scheffé analysis of variance, and chi-square test. A p<0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. Results: A total of 84 medical residents with a mean age of 29.8±3.6 years were interviewed. Fifty-four (64.3%) were female and 53 (63.1%) were single. Thirty-eight were attending the first year, 39 were in the second year, and seven were in the third year of residency. The weekly workload showed an average of 63.19±11.30 hours and 56 (66.7%) reported having a job besides the residency program. A score of 3.44±0.54 was obtained for the overall quality of life, 3.51±0.61 for the physical domain, 3.43±0.63 for the psychological domain, 3.42±0.80 for social relations, and 3.39±0.54 for environment. The perception about quality of life showed a score of 2.99±1.00 whereas that of personal satisfaction with health was equal to 3.04±1.17. Men had a higher score for overall quality of life (mean of 3.64) than women (mean of 3.32) (p=0.005). A significant difference between male and female residents was also observed in the physical domain (p=0.005) and in the psychological one (p=0.004), in which women had lower scores (means of 3.8 and 3.7, respectively) than men (means of 4.3 and 4.2, respectively).
Conclusions:The overall quality of life assessment yielded a good mean, and all domains were included under this classification. Selfassessment demonstrated regular perception about the residents' own quality of life. Being a female was a predictor of worse overall quality of life and worse scores in the physical and psychological domains.KEY WORDS: internship and residency; residency, medical; quality of life; mental health.