Aim. To study the behavioral trajectory of the lifestyle of students of medical colleges who studied in 20152016 and a health model formed by them.
Methods. Using a sample (n=400) selected by a simple random method, the lifestyle and health model of students of medical colleges in Moscow in 20152016 were studied by sociological method based on descriptive statistics, correlation-regression and factor analysis.
Results. Analysis of lifestyles of the students of medical colleges revealed the following behavioral risk factors: alcohol consumption (55.3%), eating improperly (54.5%), smoking (38%), improper sleep regimen (35%), and low physical activity (30%). The analysis of the health model showed that such risk factors as smoking, improper diet, and incorrect sleep regimen are assessed by the students in medical colleges as harmful, and with the increasing prevalence of the factor among the students, the number who consider them harmful will increase, while such factors as alcohol consumption and low physical activity are not considered by the students as harmful and with the increasing prevalence of this factor among the students, the number of students who consider them as risk factors will decrease.
Conclusion. Among the students of medical colleges, the negative behavioral trajectory of a lifestyle formed at the beginning of the 21st century, including smoking, drinking alcohol, unhealthy diet, improper sleep, and low level of physical activity, has been preserved; the developed health model shows that students consider smoking, malnutrition and improper sleep risk factors, and factors such as alcohol consumption and low activity are not considered harmful.