Intraoral Haemangioma in newly born infants is rare worldwide. Here we report a new case of a large haemangioma mass extruding outside the oral cavity, present at the time of natural child birth, in January 2016, at Al-Zahraa University Hospital in Egypt. A new born female infant had a large lesion bulging from the oral cavity. It was soft sessile, filling the whole mouth of the baby and disturbing normal sucking and feeding process. The obstetrician immediately requested a consultation with an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. History of the mother's pregnancy was normal without any abnormal symptoms. Even the routine ultrasound examination during pregnancy didn't indicate the presence of this lesion. In the present description, we report the first case of this condition which is not seen in our institute before. On clinical examination of this case, the lesion was 3.2 cm in diameter and was soft with non-ulcerated thin covering mucosa. It was mobile not fixed and 'no any other abnormalities were detected on the physical examination of the patient (Fig. 1). Upper lip soft tissue examination by superficial probe revealed a well-circumscribed, bear shaped, thin-walled, solid, and soft tissue lesion with homogenous iso-to hypo-echoic echotexture. It is measuring about 33 x 13 mm in AP & craniocaudal diameters. It showed minimal colour filing on Doppler examination. It shows no sonographic evidence of calcification, septation or cystic changes inside. No evidence of deep tissue invasion.