This article is a companion to a paper on heat flux measurements as initiated under a Space Act Agreement in 2011. The current focus of this collaboration between the Institute of Space Systems (IRS) of the University of Stuttgart and NASA Ames Research Center is the comparison and refinement of diagnostic measurements. A first experimental campaign to test different heat flux gages in the NASA Interaction Heating Facility (IHF) and the Plasmawindkanäle (PWK) at IRS was established. This paper focuses on the results of the measurements conducted at IRS. The tested gages included a flat face and hemispherical probe head, a 4" hemispherical slug calorimeter, a nullpoint calorimeter from Ames and a nullpoint calorimeter developed for this purpose at IRS. The Ames nullpoint calorimeter was unfortunately defective upon arrival. The measured heat fluxes agree fairly well with each other. The reason for discrepancies can be attributed to signal-to-noise levels and the probe geometry.