In mammals, ejaculated spermatozoa must migrate into the female reproductive tract in order to reach and fertilize the oocyte (Figure 1). The number of spermatozoa that reach the oviductal isthmus (where they attach to oviductal cells and form the sperm reservoir) is small (1,2) and only ~10% of these spermatozoa in humans become capacitated (3) and acquire a state of readiness for fertilizing the oocyte. In addition, the sperm cells have a torturous and long way between the reservoir and the oocyte at the fertilization site (3-5 cm in humans) (2). These facts, together with the tiny dimensions of the gametes in comparison to the tube length make improbable the sperm arrival to the fertilization site and make evident the need for sperm guidance (4). Different guidance mechanisms appear essential for successful sperm arrival to the fertilization site: the short range mechanism such as chemotaxis (swimming up a chemoattractant gradient) (5) and the long range mechanisms such as rheotaxis (swimming against a fluid flow) and thermotaxis (the temperature-oriented cell motility) (Figure 1).When spermatozoa become capacitated, they acquire a number of properties that render them fertilizing ability. Thermotaxis is one of these properties in which sperm cells acquire the ability to be thermotactically active (6). This property is manifested by the ability of the capacitated spermatozoa to change their swimming direction according to a temperature gradient (towards the warmer temperature) (Figure 1). Spermatozoa can sense both the absolute ambient temperature and the temperature gradient. Previous studies showed that, at peri-ovulation stage, there is a temperature difference between the sperm reservoir site (cooler) and the fertilization site (warmer). Thus, a temperature difference of ~2 ℃ exists in rabbits between the isthmus and the isthmicampullary junction (7) and ~0.7 ℃ difference in mated pigs between the isthmus and the ampulla (8). Subsequently, Bahat and collaborators (9) demonstrated that rabbit and human spermatozoa can sense small temperature differences and respond to it by thermotaxis. These findings raised the hypothesis that the temperature difference might serve as a cue for guiding spermatozoa to the site of fertilization. Interestingly, Bahat et al.,(10) recently has reported that human spermatozoa are thermotactically responsive over a wide temperature range (29-41 ℃), much wider than the range considered physiological.As in sperm chemotaxis, only capacitated spermatozoa are thermotactically responsive (9). Additionally, in chemotaxis and thermotaxis, spermatozoa swim up the gradient by modulating the frequency of turns and hyperactivation events, essentially in the direction of the gradient (11,12).The molecular bases of sperm thermotaxis remain poorly understood. Taking into account that thermotaxis favours Editorial