Five heat-stable enterotoxins were isolated from the culture supernatant of Yersinia enterocolitica and purified to homogeneity by DEAE-Sephacel and high-performance liquid chromatographies. They caused acute fluid accumulation in the intestine of suckling mice. The amino acid sequence of one of the enterotoxins was determined to be Ser-Ser-Asp-Trp-Asp-Cys-Cys-Asp-Val-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Ala-Gly-Cys, by Edman degradation of its pyridylethylated derivative and a combination of fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry and carboxypeptidase B digestion. This structure was unambiguously confirmed by chemical synthesis. The other enterotoxins had longer or shorter amino acid sequences at their N termini, but the same sequence at their C termini. The six half-cystine residues formed intramolecular disulfide linkages, as shown by measurement of the molecular masses of the enterotoxins by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry. The sequence of 13 amino acid residues at the C terminus showed similarity to those of heat-stable enterotoxins isolated from enterotoxigenic Escherichiu c d i [Aimoto, S . et al. (1982) high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and determined the primary structure of one of them [22]. Part of the primary structure of Yersiniu ST determined was similar to the active-site sequence of E. coli ST. These similar sequences were deduced to be responsible for the common biological and immunological properties of E. coli ST and Yersinia ST and to be characteristic of, and conserved in heat-stable enterotoxins produced by, enteric bacteria such as enterotoxigenic E. cwli and Y. mtrrocolitica. Therefore, it seemed important to examine whether the other toxic fractions that we isolated from the culture supernatant of Y . enterocolitica also had a similar primary structure.Here we report purification of toxic fractions from the culture supernatant of Y. enterocolitica by a different chromatographic procedure from that used in previous work [22] and determination of their amino acid sequences. We also describe the chemical synthesis of Yersiniu ST, establishing the amino acid sequence of heat-stable enterotoxin of Y . enterocoliticu.
Mutrriuls and upparutusReagent-grade chemicals from several suppliers were used and were purified for analytical experiments before use. Carboxypeptidase B and aminopeptidase M were purchased from Boehringer (Mannheim, FRG) and the Protein Research Foundation (Minoh, Japan) respectively. YMC-ODS ( S -5 ) was obtained from Yamamura Chemical Laboratories Co. Ltd (Kyoto, Japan) and packed into columns (4 x 250 mm, 6 x 150 mm and 8 x 300 mm) in our laboratory for preparative experiments. A microsorb psCls column ( 5 pm,