Vortex generators are often used in the industrial world because they can improve heat transfer well. Vortex generators make it possible to mix hot and cold fluids to be more optimal than not using them. Therefore, the current study aims to investigate the thermal-hydraulic of each case of a delta-winglet type vortex generator in a circular channel using numerical simulations. This modelling is carried out by varying the angle of the vortex generator type delta-winglet, namely, 90°, 105°, and 120°, which are arranged in a line, and the angle of attack in all cases is 30°. The Reynolds number is set from 4,000 to 12,000 with an interval of 2,000 and using the k-ω turbulent SST model. The working fluid used in this study is water. This fluid was chosen because it has better thermal conductivity than air, even though it has a higher viscosity and results in increased flow resistance. This study found that the highest heat transfer was a deltawinglet vortex generator at 90°, 105°, and 120°. But the delta-winglet, which has the highest heat transfer, will impact the increased flow resistance. Furthermore, the best thermal-hydraulic results were achieved in the case of the delta-winglet vortex generator at an angle of 120° of 2.47.